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  • Writer's pictureCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

Words of Russell Clayton


Too much of our pain as human beings has origin in our childhood and is buried deep in our past. Additionally many beings experience stress and anxiety worrying about their uncertain future. Some folks never stop worrying. Stress contributes to mental fatigue and disease. In order for us to live more abundantly, we need to focus on living in the now. There is nothing wrong with this moment! What is available to us right now is universal love. If we can open our hearts to access our deepest emotions, our feelings can be used as a guidance system to deliver us into our brightest possible outcomes. Stop believing that you are prisoner of your past. Stop worrying about a future that you do not control. Immerse yourself in the present moment and live love now.


On the other side of impossible is possibility.There is no situation that you cannot survive.Faith is the torch that you must carry through your darkness. Without faith there is no light. If you truly believe in your inner Power, it can act on your behalf. Without faith you are susceptible to the external forces of the world. It is by faith that all things are possible and the means to your survival. Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the conviction of things that are unseen.



There isn’t anything that Earth society can’t accomplish when it reflects the unity of all loving souls. When ordinary people stand united behind a just cause, our oneness is capable of shaking the earth and bending the path of all creation. Love consciousness is changing our world. There is unlimited power contained in the intention to build a more tolerant and loving society. When we focus on the connectivity between ourselves, the Universe, and our fellow man, we expand the Universe inside of ourselves. When we view ourselves separate from one another as human beings we create separation between who we are and who we need to become as ever evolving souls


-Dr. Russell Clayton

Dr. Russell Clayton is a Los Angeles based Physician.  He is also a poet and author of the soon to be released book, Finding The Greater You – The Path To Your Soul.  Dr. Clayton is a practicing OBGYN physician at Kaiser Permanente.  Dr. Clayton was educated at The University of Chicago, University of Illinois and completed his residency in gynecology at Saint Johns Hospital in Queens, New York. Dr Clayton is a father of four, and is happily married.  He is active in his medical practice, but his passion is writing and publishing his poetry based in Spirituality and Consciousness.

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