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  • Writer's pictureCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

Words of Dr. Russell Clayton

YOU EXPERIENCE REALITY ACCORDING TO YOUR VIBRATION Your individual energy level is called your frequency. Your frequency generates your own unique personal vibration, which is perceived by everyone around you. If you want to match someone else’s vibration then you must tune into their individual frequency. The way you tune into someone’s frequency is by listening with compassion to understand them, not to judge them.

FRIENDSHIP RULES OF DISENGAGEMENT My mother always told me if you have more friends than the fingers on your two hands, then you probably have too many friends.

  1. People enter your life for a reason or a season.

  2. Friendship is supposed to be equal effort. When your effort is not being returned, it’s time to leave.

  3. If you are being disrespected by a friend repeatedly, it’s time to leave.

  4. When phone calls and texts dwindle to nothing, and you’re the one who’s always reaching out to them, it’s time to leave.

  5. Don’t bargain to remain in any friendship. Bargaining is a sign of desperation, and desperation is an emotion that is easily sensed by others as weakness.

  6. Self-respect doesn’t tolerate neglect. You are intelligent, beautiful, powerful, and deserving of the highest love. Where there is no respect, there can be no love.


Dr. Russell Clayton

Dr. Russell Clayton is a Los Angeles-based Physician. An OBGYN for Kaiser Permanente, he is also a poet and author of the book, Finding The Greater You – The Path To Your Soul. Dr. Clayton was educated at The University of Chicago, University of Illinois, and completed his residency in gynecology at Saint Johns Hospital in Queens, New York. Dr. Clayton is a father of four and is happily married. He is active in his medical practice, but his passion is writing and publishing his poetry based in Spirituality and Consciousness.

Dr. Clayton’s first book, “The Greater You, The Journey of Awakening” focused on the inner journey. “Love and Healing” focuses on healing emotional suffering. “Love And Healing Exercises” Dr. Clayton’s third book is a seventy-step action plan pocket guide for your spiritual restoration.

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