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Truth: The First Principle of Action

Did you ever stop to think how important Truth is? Virtually everywhere in the living sciences and socio-psychological realms incorporate the application of Truth. Without truth, law could not exist, science could not hypothecate, and relationships would falter. Truth is the prime ingredient of society and universal understanding. Truth declares a specific state of being and dictates pending action.

Movement creates change and any form of movement is action. Action occurs in cellular development, mental development and virtually every social interaction. In the ethereal or unseen applications, change occurs at the quantum and consciousness levels that must also be considered. So, there you have it: we can surmise that just about everything associates with truth.

The objectivity of truth surrounds itself with quality. The principle of truth sustains utmost quality and accuracy of an existing state of being. Anything less, is not truth, therefore, there are no derivatives. Any claim for alternative facts or sub-truths is a sham and violates the principle of truth: its essence, function and purpose.

It is understood that everyone has his or her personal truths. The basis for that reality is contingent on one’s experiences and /or beliefs. Needless to say, those truths are subjective and open for change, which in effect can be considered an opinion. Truth serves as a declaration of fact within a specific state of being or existence. That is why scientific research and mathematics follow rigorous scrutiny in determining an outcome.

Imagine the application of truth in political settings? Imagine how intense the decision-making apparatus of our elected offices and law makers would be? Generating and enforcing legislation could prove to be an awesome undertaking. Imagine the discipline being applied? The corollary applies to the individual as well. How would our decision-making process effect our everyday thought process and actions? Living in your truth could be awesome.

What makes you conscientious? Could it be wishing to do what is right? Being thorough? The point made: it’s truth that serves as the backbone of being conscientious. By examining facts, becoming organized and stressing the accuracy the task you are perpetuating, it’s the compulsive non-swerving drive to fulfill a personal truth, maybe even a Universal Truth.

The body is an “Action machine” built within the confines of purpose, function and self-propelling truths. The DNA in your cells work to sustain health. It has a built-in directive… survival! And that is a truth. The brain seeks to learn in order to help the body survive, and that is a truth. Only foreign forces can sway the process. And in many cases, it’s our Ego that becomes the culprit.

Using potato chips as an example: how does truth apply to eating potato chips (or other preferred snack foods)? “Yum, yum, I can’t stop eating them” the taste buds say inconspicuously. Moments later, the body tells you a truth, “…that’s enough” it says. But did you hear it and obey? “No!” (implied). Here, your ego in defense of your taste buds, over road a truth…the message of fact “eating chips is no longer healthy” for me.

We all seek truth in one way or another whether on a personal or the Universal playing field. We are curious to examine some personal truths: to know our past, what we are doing in the Now, and where are we going. With more facts and truths in our backpack, the more confident we are and certain of our pursuits. In a way, truths are fundamental building blocks.

Generally, conflicts greatly diminish when truth prevails. And what fixes conflicts are truths. And when conflicts are reduced, the greater the chance for peace. Whether truths are inside your body or in the outside world, it’s the principle of truth that sets the standard for existence. After all, we have often heard: “…and the truth shall set you free.”

Let’s face it: there is a simile that the top 5 percent of the society owns most of the wealth. Is this a fact or a truth?  The fact could easily be presented as “…about one percent…”. However, the truth remains clear, that most of the world’s population have marginal wealth, if any. Once truth is ascertained, when you finally know the facts, you’ll feel free of them.

As a veteran of life, may I suggest finding as many truths about yourself as possible. What are the truths behind by your intents, thoughts and actions? Make sure they point to your health and well-being, and if you can, expand your inner truths and explore how they fit in with Higher Truths.

And if you are brave enough, take a peek at a current or past action. Determine if that action has been completed. If not, seek the facts. If completed, did that episode in Life elevate you to a Higher Truth?

The World of Truth awaits you. Enjoy.

Dr. Robert V. Gerard

Copyright© 2018 Robert V Gerard


-Dr. Robert V. Gerard

Robert V. Gerard brings 49+ years experience in Senior Management, Financial and Marketing. He currently serves as a Senior Partner within Green Way Pavements directing Financial, Marketing and Training Operations. Previously Dr. Gerard was the publisher of Oughten House Publications. He keeps a super positive attitude and enjoys presenting information to enlighten individual pursuits in both personal and business sectors. Dr. Gerard’s educational and professional qualifications include AAS (Associate in Applied Science) in Civil Engineering Technology; B.S. in Social Psychology; M.S. in Human Resources Management; and a, Doctorate in Metaphysical Philosophy and Spiritual Ps

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