Loved Ones!
Happy New Moment!! ‘Always my cheer, making moments, because each one counts towards expanding and growing our life’s journey. These days, we realize how precious each moment is. Ask Guest Contributor Peggy Weaver. In her poem, she asserts that Moments are all we have. Whether we recognize the year or moment, we usually sing the same ole’ song: “This New Year, I intend to___” I have filled in blanks too many times for every aspect of my life, until I realize it’s my consciousness that needs continuous tweaking. As soon as I dial the intention wheel to “gratitude,” I begin to see clearly, the goodness I have in my existence this moment. My mantra is, “It’s all good/love/God.”
Our Featured Image is of Columnist William Leroy Kennedy, whom my kids and my blog affectionately call “Mr. K.” I selfishly featured Mr. K. He intends to positively impact the universe through his mission of promoting strategic educational goals; His article, On the Road to Good Intentions, reveals that occasionally intentions can backfire. However, I have witnessed Mr. K. take action, and that’s what drives intentions, action.
In The Frequency of Intention vs. Resolution, Contributor M. LaRae invites us to activate by shifting our perception to come to any resolution. Contributor Dr. Robert V. Gerard places intent as the bridge to developing intentions in An Expose’ on Intent.
Speaking of strategy, Contributor Rev.Dr. Bobby Yarbrough cautions us to make an “attainable” plan for reaching goals, and Contributors Dr. Joyce Brown’s Intentions and Susan Peters‘, Evolving Intentions follow that course for setting and meeting their objectives. In The Road to Hell, Contributor Rev. Carol Landry ponders whether her early intent shaped her later career, and Guest Contributor Jonathan Cain yields to his spirit to align with his intentions in Re: Intentions.
Our poets, Contributors Tekla L. Syers and Gloria Lawson Sylvester, and artists, Guest Contributors Sgt. Everett L.Carter, Chinedu Chibbee, Patricia Coleman Cobb, Mikel Elam, Helene Fielder, Aaron Johnson, and Desmond Ugiagabe give us what we need to sustain our journey. They activate and feed our souls, and through Guest Contributors Tatiana Gibs and Chef Carlyn Saunders… we learn new ways to sweeten our celebrations and heal our bodies.
This issue sets the intent to enhance each of your new moments. So, please stay safe, love hard, and remember:
Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you. – LR Knost

Vicki Goldston, aka, Victorine
Founder, Editor-in-Chief