We are at the precipice of the ultimate shift of our existence. The question is whether every human being should be invited to the party or discriminated against by way of our tribal norms. Inclusion is our topic; you will read varying views about how this concept should be applied to society.
The mission of Garden Spices leans into the belief that we are all worthy of celebration, no matter what we look like or our mental or physical capacity, and we believe love is love. We recognize the ability to change but acknowledge that anything outside of love and a peaceful existence remains outside our window of acceptance until change occurs.
In this issue, we discover historical truths about inclusion and hopes for the future. We have a guest appearance from Alabama historian Anita Smith Cobb, food from Algene Norwood, and contributions that incite, inspire, and tender the heart.
Gate open!

Vicki Goldsston, aka Victorine
Founder, Editor-in-Chief