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This Issue: Closure!


Hero Le and Merlin

The question is, do we ever have closure, or are we perpetually open to new understandings about past relationships, events, and circumstances?  This topic was suggested by Contributor, Dr. Robert Yarbrough, aka, Rev. Bobby, and as usual, we have a myriad of perspectives on how closure has shown up in lives.  Sometimes it slams the door and other times, it creates a stir within us revolving in and out of our lives. However it shows up, closure has a barometer – us.  We determine where we are in the process.

The garden path takes us to our featured Guest Contributor, Hero Le, whose gratitude and zest for living never close.  From Guest Contributor Jennifer Tran, we meet the harrowing experience of her father’s escape from Vietnam, in “Tears of the South China Sea,“and in Soul Journey:  Walking the Camino, we travel with Rebecca Santos, Guest Contributor.  Let’s not forget the Bronzeville Babies, dolls by Rhonda Ingersol Hardy.

Rhonda and Rebecca join the rest of the moms that contribute to and read GS.  (Shout out to all mothers!) Our poetry and songs of life lessons learned take us through each passage of closure, and we love taking you with us.

Gate open!


Vicki Goldston, aka, Victorine

Founder, Editor-iin-Chief


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