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  • Writer's pictureCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

This Issue: Choice!

Happy New Year!!

Choice. This is the year we will make many socio-political choices; we will also make personal choices that effect our living. My year-end Garden Spices trip to Barbados set the plate for how I will enter into 2016.

The traffic dangerous, the local people unfriendly, and the food prices high – all complaints I have made about various locations, and Barbados was no different. However, it took only a flip of intentions to begin to savor the beauty of this place. “I intend to serve locals with my joy of being in their ‘home’. I intend to walk as they do, with reverence for the traffic, (You better not walk in the street).” In return, I receive smiles and inside tips from angels, like our sister/maid, Sonya Grant-Harvey. Vehicles pause to allow pedestrians to cross the street. I defer to the acronym created by Contributor, Sonja Mathis:


Whew! The ability to co-create and change through intentions!? Back to Barbados. Really, my intention to have a wonderful trip started before I boarded the plane. In compliance, I sat with a lovely couple. The man turned out to be my late husband’s cousin! My flight from Atlanta to Barbados allowed me to experience James and Pat Adair. James sketched my picture on a paper bag, and I discovered he is a renowned artist, and Pat is an editor. Bam! Beyond lovely flight companions, they ended up contributing to Garden Spices, and there was more to come.

Sister/Maid, Sonya Grant-Harvey

Sister/Maid, Sonya Grant-Harvey

You will meet some of the folks I had the pleasure of experiencing in Barbados through these pages, each one inviting you to enjoy their artistry. Beyond Barbados, our Contributors speak from their hearts about Choice, what it means to them and how they apply the gift. Some feel ‘the gift’ is an illusion. Open the gate and discover what resonates with you.

Gate open!


Vicki Goldston, aka, Victorine


Garden Spices Magazine

A special thank you to Rowena Nichols for lending her time and talent to this process.

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