Loved Ones!
Inspiration led us to this topic and our Contributors embraced it, pouring out their souls. What a time this is, fulfilling expectations and remembering we have enough to serve abundantly. That’s what our featured Guest Contributor, Brandon Harris invited us to do, give back from what we have been given. Harris is a curator for the Tennessee Valley Museum of Art, (TVMA), and Garden Spices welcomes his discussion on curation and perspective. As they say, the proof is in the pudding, and we are pleased to catch a glimpse of the current TVMA exhibit, Michi Meko: When it’s Black Outside: Notes from the Before Times
Speaking of art appreciation, in this issue, we have Guest Contributors, Joseph Abban Junior, Mikel Elam, and Rosemary Summers in our art gallery, and Debra Flint Salter celebrates 25 years in creating and restoring furniture. Beyond our primary chefs, we are jammin’ with a cooking experience from Guest Contributor, Sugar Pearl.
What are we looking for? Our primary Contributors tell us that we have everything we need for abundant living, if only we give into it. Vision and hope are pivotal words that invite us through Guest Contributors, Johnny Belew, Aletha Metcalf Evans, Cedar Lawrence, and Cassie Mebane. We are reminded that we are rich with remembrances, family, friends, and the breath of life. Just accept our invitation, and enter…

Vicki Goldston aka, Victorine CEO, Camp Goldston Publishing, LLC, Founder, Editor-in-Chief GARDEN SPICES MAGAZINE