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The Virtue of Patience


Like a gift from the gods, the virtue of patience offers solitude from the outside. More succinctly put, patience serves as a form of detachment. It keeps you objective, sane, and in control.

Our hectic world throws an assortment of nonsense upon us. If not adequately shielded, we’d collapse under the pressure. Definitely not a romantic scenario. But for some of us, even the slightest predicament of challenges can knock us off our feet. As for myself, I feel quite enabled to take a good amount of pressure. Needless to say, I do have a threshold, and thank God for that.

Having a threshold when it comes to being confronted with situations that need immediate attention or pressure us is critical. Knowing your limitations and the ability to tolerate things is a virtue in itself. Having patience gives us a tool to deal with everyday implications without igniting high blood pressure.

How does patience serve us? Well, first of all, it’s like a traffic light. When confronted within a situation, you examine it, and the light turns green; you deal with it and cautiously proceed. When the light turns yellow, you need to get some facts, use wisdom, and observe. Then you deal with it by understanding the circumstances and then proceed. Now the real issue is when there’s a red traffic light. Remember now, somebody’s watching you, the police can see you, so don’t go through the red light; instead, call upon the virtue of patience.

When you call upon the virtue of patience, you’re not alone; you have your [spiritual] guides, your Soul, and the Universe ready and willing to serve you with good intuition. So, take advantage of these sources because if you go through that red light, you’re going to get a ticket.

Impatience, on the other hand, needs to be dealt with promptly. Being impatient cannot only be upsetting to one’s self but mainly to others. It’s okay to be impatient once in a while. Standing in the rain or cold waiting in line for a movie or stuck in traffic is understandable. But if watching your little three-year-old being unable to tie his shoes or get dressed robs you of your precious time, then you need to examine your situation—time to take a good relaxing breath. When impatience becomes bothersome to you, something fixing needs to be done. 

Being patient with oneself is critically essential. But, unfortunately, too many of us, especially those who live in the urban environment, tend to rush. “Gotta get that bus.” “Taxi!” Working hard to get more work or working harder so we can get ahead. “Ahead of what?” may I ask?

Knowing your limitations of how patient you ought to serve as a quality attribute. A single mom, handling her four kids is nothing less than remarkable to observe. When I see a parent yell and scream at their child in a grocery store, it becomes upsetting for me.

Being a patient person means taking things in stride. Though I quickly sense my impatience mounting when I cannot tolerate nonsense coming from others. You know, talking trivia, stupidity, incompetence, or outright lying. These quickly get me, as I have no patience for that kind of behavior, but I am working on it.

You can’t squeeze time. We all need to take a personal inventory of our values concerning time and what is relevant to us. Patience is like understanding time and the Life it holds. 

Being patient is a choice. Having the patience to observe your inner and outer worlds needs the constructs of a brilliant maneuver. Be the captain of your ship. Sail with the wind of patience and have the discipline to master the storms that cross your path.

Be Patient. Have Fun. Peace and Health,

Dr. Robert V.Gerard

Dr. Robert V. Gerard

© 2021 Robert V Gerard

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