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The Physiology of Power

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which

comes within the souls of people when they realize their

relationship, their oneness with the Universe and all its

Power, and when they realize that the center of the Universe

dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really

everywhere, it is within each of us.” —Black Elk (1863-1950)



The root of power derives its source from divinely oriented attributes.

Everything in the Universe exists for a purpose: whether physical or ethereal. Based on this controversial concept, then how does the non-physical realms of power find its way into the physical?

Let’s look deep within to find some plausible answers, which can be disputed, of course. We’ll begin with the structure of your DNA that encompasses the workings of over 3 billion nucleotides, each consisting of an intricate combination of nucleic molecules (adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine). These form the common “Rungs of the Ladder” often seen as animated versions of the spiraling strands of the DNA.

The chemical world emphatically interacts between the elements, especially the nucleic molecules. They pair up and sequence themselves inside your DNA forming codes. In totality, you are a living combination of codes, approximately 26,000 genes. Your DNA has the ability to read its immediate environment, and it has now been established that your DNA can also effect your environment. And somewhere within these codes lie the roots of your power to change: yourself and your world.

“The power to change”: isn’t that a God-like attribute? Yes, unlike the animal kingdom, humans have the capacity to create. And, to create brings about the change. So what drives humans to create, to change and to become dominant in a chosen pursuit? What’s the intrinsic motivator? Can it be power? Your DNA is designed to perpetuate a self-healing capacity at both the physical and emotional levels. It constantly seeks to improve your physical, emotional and social functions. Here resides the root of power: a subconscious biological script to move forward in Life.

The biological, psychological and social aspects of Life are interdependent upon one another. They are not separable. From a human standpoint though, there’s a natural propensity to expand, become greater and dominant in one’s pursuits. This anchors what I term—a Life Formula—a recipe for existence. Permit me to expound a bit, but I sense that this “Recipe” well depicts my concept of God. For me, it contains the script for power.

To expedite our understanding of the “Physiology of Power,” let’s jump to a few conclusions:

  1. Our social concept of a God-like Being is shrouded by the understanding that God has a unique behavior: Ultimate Power

  2. The vast majority of all civilized people emulate the quest to be powerful: a God-like behavior

  3. The untamed or egoistic and aggressive nature of a minority of humans is underlined by the propensity to be dominant and controlling.

With these three precepts in place, and with a little stretch of your imagination, you can see that people reflect the God-like behavior to express their power. And this physiological behavior happens to be well scripted within our DNA.


“Whatever you can dream you can, begin it;

boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

— Goeth (1740-1832)


Corollary, aggressive behavior, in virtually all living creatures, is instinctively natural. I firmly believe that the human aspects of creativity are well designed by our Divine Creator. Power can be comprised as a natural process and as a creative power: a gift, so to speak. The great schism is separating aggressive nature from human ego.

How much power one embodies finds its governing influence within the human ego. Since the human ego serves as a compilation system of beliefs, desires, ambitions, selfishness and whatnot, the real task before us rests with the notion of how power is utilized: positively or negatively. The seat of power finds its origin here.

Our quest was to conceptually determine the physiological aspects of power. But in reality, it’s the social outcome that results from the use of power. Without a physical presence, power is useless. Assassins know this well. Power must have a source and humans are restricted to a body or a proxy like form, say a government or law. Law has power; the Church has power; the police have power. And they are all grounded into some form of physiological body. However, God is ethereal. God has power—His Ultimate Behavior—a behavior that some people want to have.

The Trinity of Power: the physical, the emotional, and the social exist. The root of power stands solely within the physical, the expression of power is emotional, and the results of power reside in the social outcome. For example: the Office of the President of the United States serves as the physiological; his behavior expresses his emotions and the application of his power dwells in the social.


“I know of no safe repository of the ultimate power of society

but the people. And if we think them not enlightened enough,

the remedy is not to take the power from them, but to inform

them by education.” — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) 


As we breathe there are over 7 billion people on this planet. Most of them worship and pray to God, yet some people try to behave like God. Worst yet, some like to replace God. These few corrupt the flow of peace and bring conflict into the hearts of millions.


“When the power of love overcomes the love for power

the world will know peace.” — Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)


No matter which way we look at power—good versus bad—power is rooted within each of us. We express power in many different ways, then again, it will be reflected socially. Whether you are a Prophet or a Satan, the recipe for power mirrors our Divine or Universal Laws, the roots reside within, and it’s only our uniqueness that can determine our expression and outcome.

Have Fun. Peace and Health,

– Dr. Robert V. Gerard © 2014-5

Robert V. Gerard brings 49+ years experience in Senior Management, Financial and Marketing. He currently serves as a Senior Partner within Green Way Pavements directing Financial, Marketing and Training Operations. Previously Dr. Gerard was the publisher of Oughten House Publications. He keeps a super positive attitude and enjoys presenting information to enlighten individual pursuits in both personal and business sectors. Dr. Gerard’s educational and professional qualifications include AAS (Associate in Applied Science) in Civil Engineering Technology; B.S. in Social Psychology; M.S. in Human Resources Management; and a, Doctorate in Metaphysical Philosophy and Spiritual Psychology.

Cover Photo Courtesy: iai TV


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