A place of peace, OOthat’s where Yo-Yo Ma OOhas brought me
Pandemic outside.
I’m following Yo-Yo Ma OOthrough a pleasant maze, OOup, down, and around, OOand around.
That Yo-Yo Ma!
More strident now, OOin a thrilling way, OOmellow, measured, and thrilling.
People ill and dying OOoutside. Work to be done OOoutside.
But in this moment OOin this room Yo-Yo Ma has seized my soul. He is my tour guide OOto a place of safety, OOa sense of comfort and ease.
Pandemic somewhere. Food lines OOin the land of plenty.
Music in here. Yo-Yo Ma in here. The future is bright OOin here.
My Yo-Yo Ma.
My soul twirls, glides, and skips OOas Yo-Yo Ma spins along OOahead of me.
I climb. I soar. I drift.
Pandemic somewhere OOelse.
I’ve got Yo-Yo Ma.
— Tekla A. Syers resides in Chicago as a student and teacher of metaphysics; smitten grandmother; dabbler in culinary arts; semi-retired fund development and nonprofit management consultant; and a craftswoman. She enjoys music and art in myriad forms and makes time to observe and reflect on why folks and things are as they are.