The American form of democracy has never been applied to all its citizens; therefore, there has always been room for improvement. Historically, Black citizens have been the lowest on the Totem Pole in almost every way.
When you consider that most blacks were brought here as enslaved people in the most brutal and demoralizing form of slavery that the world has ever known, our initial progress was astonishing within fifty years of emancipation. After that, new laws and customs were implemented to slow and stop our progress, especially in the Southern states.
Over the past years, we have created organizations to help overcome the dastardly deeds of whites who hate us for being here, which will always be ridiculous because their fore-bearers brought us here to serve as forced labor. Our ideas, inventions, and corrective actions have been suppressed and downplayed to keep it looking like our contributions do not matter.
Our democracy is weak because many citizens/voters distrust truthful media. Instead, they have chosen to believe the alternative truths put forward by FOX News and conservative radio. By the time you read this, we may be dealing with the Republican Party implementation of Project 2025.
We can not flee our country. One reason why is that conservative movements are winning out around the world. So, we have to step up and help stop the denigration of democracy in America. If Democrats prevail in the 2024 Elections, we need to help manage the Democratic Party to the point of never allowing American politics to teeter on the brink of becoming an autocracy!
Thanks for listening!

William Leroy Kennedy
Former Financial Services Professional at Kennedy Group, Ltd. – Financial/Motivation
Studied Architectural Engineering at Prairie View A&M University “Giving a strong recommendation: Khan Academy for educational success.