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Slay the ogres.

The selfish ogre must go. This ogre misaligns resources. Snatching and hoarding, OOit keeps things out of balance OOwith its deficit consciousness. It must be drowned in authentic generosity OOor smothered with courtesy and grace.

Banish the ogre of fear. It is a liar. It trembles OOat the thought of change OOand newness. It cowers and defeats itself, OOparalyzed and untried. Strengthen yourself OOwith affirmative thoughts, OOpeople, and activities. Defeat it with your courage.

Have no mercy on the mean-spirited ogre. Can there be a worse villain? OOthan the one who steals comfort, OOconfidence, and joy from others? Destroy that ogre quickly OOwith your smiles, OOencouragement, and good will.

Let me not forget the lost ogre. it’s Its lost in triumphs and regrets OOof the past. Reacting OOto what has not occurred. Thoughts always over there. Never here. Never now. Absent, right before our eyes.

Snatch that beast into now. Confront it with hereness. Command its presence in this arena. This one shrivels and dies OOwith sustained attention OOto here and now.

And lastly, drive a stake OOinto the ogre called despondency. If you entertain it at all OOit will suck the life out of you OOand all who draw near. It shies away OOfrom your love, laughter OOand delight in others. When recognized, OOstab it with your vibrancy OOand expose it to the light.

Be a hero. Seek those ogres, OOwithout and within. Slay the ogres OOwherever they lurk.

© 2020 Tekla A. Syers.  All rights reserved.


Tekla A. Syers resides in Chicago as a student and teacher of metaphysics; smitten grandmother; dabbler in culinary arts; semi-retired fund development and nonprofit management consultant; and a craftswoman. She enjoys music and art in myriad forms and makes time to observe and reflect on why folks and things are as they are.

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