By Tekla A. Syers

By Tekla A. Syers
You’ve only shown us
a bit
of your gifts and strengths.
What flimsy veil
secrets your light?
What false prophet speaks fear
into your heart?
What dark imaginings
hold your hopes hostage?
Why do you cringe, untried?
Did not a dream reveal
your splendor,
and outsized outcomes?
Why do you avert your gaze
from your great work?
How many failures
are required
to kill one’s desire
to triumph?
Why do you wait?
Who suppresses
the artisan,
in you?
Who do you expect
to champion your cause.
Why do you shrink
from your greatness?
What insecurity
has stolen your voice,
except to whimper
or to criticize
those who dare?
Reject your excuses
and accusations
Only thoughts
lie in the way.
Strap on
some resolve
Postpone explanations.
Step upright and firm
in conviction
Shake off discouragement.
Silence fear.
Don your cloak
of invulnerability.
Champion your cause.
Inhale vitality
State your truth.
Express your Allness.
Right now,
show us who you are.
Right now,

— Tekla A. Syers resides in Chicago as a student and teacher of metaphysics; smitten grandmother, dabbler in culinary arts; semi-retired fund development and nonprofit management consultant; and a craftswoman. She enjoys music and art in myriad forms and makes time to observe and reflect on why folks and things are as they are.