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Process: Words of Russell Clayton



If you lack faith, it will show up as resistance in your life. Resistance is any thought, belief or action that stands in the way of what you want. No dream can manifest until you get into alignment with what you desire. When you let go of how your goals need to happen, you create the proper space for them to manifest. An universal alignment unlocks your heart-space to receive all blessings. An open heart is not afraid of breaking and an open mind is not afraid to learn.


The Cycle


The majestic nature of our planet is revealed in our beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The transitions of the Sun and the Moon stir comparisons to the spiritual transformation happening inside of all human beings. As evolving souls we all go through phases in our lives. We love, we laugh, and sometimes we cry. We rise, we shine, and sometimes we fall. When we fall, we must get back up again. The cycle repeats itself but we are forever changed by the dawn of each day and the setting of each Sun.


Coming Soon…

Six years ago I started writing The Greater You. I was inspired by the death of my father to write an in-depth book about the keys to life for the benefit of my children. In order to prepare myself, I read over one hundred books and I studied for thousands of hours the subjects of philosophy, sociology, psychology, world religion, love and metaphysics. Now six years later, it’s time to share my compelling story with the world. Due to the incredible support I have received from many of you, my book will soon be available for purchase…


The Greater You release date: 01/01/17:

*** Excerpt from the chapter: THE UNIVERSE 

Trusting the Universe isn’t about letting go of everything in your life and hoping to be saved. It is about knowing that we have a powerful connection with the stars, the cosmos and everything around us. Your body is formed from the Earth and when your life is over you shall return to the Earth. Therefore, trusting the Universe is not about trusting something external to you but more about trusting the same Source that you were created from. There is a Force that created all there is before us, that force is the Power of God. If we position ourselves as weak, disempowered and disassociated in our relationship with the Universe and perceive the Universe as somehow outside of ourselves, then we are living a fantasy. The Universe is not separate from us, the Universe is inside of us. There is no separation. Knowing this truth creates a superpower called faith. Having faith is an inner knowing that we are derived from a power that is greater than ourselves. The best way to trust the Universe is to trust yourself. When you trust yourself, you become empowered with the same power that spins the Earth on its axis and creates worlds beyond.



-Dr. Russell Clayton

Dr. Russell Clayton is a Los Angeles based Physician.  He is also a poet and author of the soon to be released book, Finding The Greater You – The Path To Your Soul.  Dr. Clayton is a practicing OBGYN physician at Kaiser Permanente.  Dr. Clayton was educated at The University of Chicago, University of Illinois and completed his residency in gynecology at Saint Johns Hospital in Queens, New York. Dr Clayton is a father of four, and is happily married.  He is active in his medical practice, but his passion is writing and publishing his poetry based in Spirituality and Consciousness.

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