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Patient's Patient

Writer's picture: Camp Goldston Publishing, LLCCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

She left the house early not to be late for her 10 AM doctor’s appointment. Jane was a good patient, well mannered and kind of cheery, if anything: optimistic. Though she arrived with ample time to spare, there were three early birds ahead of her. An “Awe” uttered rom her lips. Around 10:15 AM, Jane began thumping her fingers.

With Jane’s patience waning, she felt disrespected. The clock struck 10:30. With a steam of puff, she ran out of patience. Being patient doesn’t mean you have to be patient. We have all experienced this behavior. It’s not fitting. Who needs to waste precious time? Foreigners definitely have trouble deciphering which word—patient or patient—to use. Believe it or not, I sometimes do it myself. It’s the pitfall of the English language. But rest assured, it can be conquered. I

mpatience, on the other hand, needs to be dealt with. Being impatient can be not only upsetting to one’s self but mainly to others. It’s okay to be impatient once in a while. Standing in the rain or cold, waiting in line for a movie, or being stuck in traffic is understandable. But if watching your little three-year-old unable to tie his shoes or get dressed, robs you of your precious time, then you need to examine your situation. Either send off your child to Fast Dressing School Programs or take a good relaxing breath. When impatience becomes bothersome to you, something needs a fix’n.

Possessing the quality of patience (being patient) serves as an attribute. Knowing your limitations of how patient you ought to be is also a quality. Watching my daughter handle four kids, of whom two are identical twins, is remarkable. How does she do it? But when I see a parent yell and scream at their child in a grocery store, knocks me off my feet. I am a very patient person. I take things in stride. Most of the time, I let God and the Angels handle any form of my impatience. Hey, what the heck: it’s all in God’s time anyway. Though I easily sense my impatience mounting when I cannot tolerate nonsense coming from others. You know, talking trivia, stupidity, incompetence or outright lying. These quickly get me. The quality of being patient scores high with me. Having friends with similar mannerisms serves me well. It takes away the stress and keeps the flow.

Being patient with one’s self is critically important. Too many of us, especially those who live in the urban environment, tend to rush. “Gotta get that bus.” “Taxi!” Working hard to get more work to work harder so we can get ahead. Ahead of what?

,Now I live up in the mountains, surrounded by forest, and the trees constantly wave their “Hellos” to me. It’s refreshing and keeps me comfortable in my space-time continuum. We all need to take personal inventory of our values concerning time and what is relevant to us. Living in the Moment serves our Highest Good. Accomplishing chores and responsibilities as they arise or planned need be performed. To procrastinate or deny the inevitable only sparks impatience and the failure to honor our time and space. Being patient is your choice. Having the patience to observe your inner and outer needs is a brilliant maneuver. Be the captain of your ship. Sail with the wind of patience and have the discipline to master the storms that cross our paths. Have Fun. Peace and Health,

Dr. Robert V. Gerard © 2016 Robert V Gerard

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