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  • Writer's pictureCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

Living My Life Wide Open

So the day after I was asked to write an article for Garden Spices, a quote appeared in my Facebook feed, which often happens when I begin to think hard about something.  The quote, “Live……like somebody left the gate open” ~ Annamarie Ibrahim.  It occurred to me this is how I feel.  Someone opened the gate and I took a step through and have kept moving ever since, looking back over my shoulder sure that there must be someone back there waiting to put me back in the fence.  As of right now I am still free; catch me if you can.

What does freedom mean to me?  I really had to think about this question. When I walked away from my last corporate job in January 2012 I was scared about what the future would bring.  I had no idea what was coming.  Did I feel free then? No not really. This was the beginning of my surrender.  Surrender to the Universal Source, God, Spirit, whatever it is that you call it. I had to let go and understand that the Universe had my back. Not an easy thing to do for someone who had worked for many years to take care of two children as a single parent.  SURRENDER, what a word that is. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines surrender as: to give the control or use of (something) to someone else. This is what I did.  I gave it all up and said here I am what is it that you want me to do.

You see the Universe had been listening to me.  I had been laid off or let go from six jobs in a matter of twelve years, but I take full responsibility for this, I said with every job, “This is okay, but it’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life.”  That was my mantra. I didn’t know exactly what it was that I wanted to do but I knew those jobs were not it. Then I surrendered and God started me on my path.

A few months after I left my job I found myself in Daytona Books and Metaphysics. They had a crystal bed and my journey began. One year later I purchased a John of God Crystal Light Healing Bed of my own and for the last 3 years I have been traveling around the country offering people the opportunity to experience this amazing healing modality.  Traveling the country, spreading the light.

John of God Crystal Bath

John of God Crystal Light Healing Bed

So, Vicki said to me that she was inspired to ask me to write an article with the theme freedom when she saw my morning walk pictures on Facebook.  Up until that point I had not even thought about it.  I am free, I can be who I am, I can take long walks on paths in the woods, I can travel around this country and talk to people telling them what an amazing country we live in and that we can each choose to do the things that bring us joy.  All we have to do is surrender.


-Renee Adcock

Renee Adcock has a Bachelors Degree in Divinity from the University of Metaphysical Science and is currently working on her Masters and will be an ordained upon completion.  Renee asked for and was given permission to own and operate the John of God Crystal Light Healing Bed, an amazing healing modality developed by Joao Teixeira de Faria (John of God).  John of God is one of the most powerful healers in the world and has a healing center in Abadiania, Brazil, the Casa de Dom Inacio.  Renee and her partner Barry travel around the country offering sessions to people, at different venues, the opportunity to experience the amazing healing power of the crystal bed.  Renee is also a spiritual leader and speaker and loves the opportunity to speak with any group.  For more information about bringing the crystal bed to your area please see her website at

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