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I Was A Weary Traveler

I was a weary traveler, I rode the less trodden path, felt the dust sting my eyes.

I lay in fast pursuit of that which I knew existed,

Of love without judgment, of acceptance without rules, of truly amazing grace.

And with out-stretched hands I reached …to grasp that holy grail of Koinonia,

That challis of hope . To drink from that cup, to break that bread

And partake of the divine in one another.

To find healing with the balm of Gilead that lies in the palms of all our hands.

The touch of sincerity and the embrace without agenda.

Yes I was a weary traveler, I had no place to lay my head.

No hook at the end of the day in which to hang my coat.

No chair at the table of fellowship,

I embraced alone-ness, for loneliness is just a state of mind

In that place I danced with HIM, my Father, my Source, my God.

The divine waltz that whirled me in circles of enlightenment, until I realized that He had become ME

The moment that I AM became the “I” AM!

untitled shoot-00166

Retrieved from: Bernard Basley, Bottomline Productions

And I want to shout… This is the good news!!! But, whose ears would have heard.

What kindred spirit did I know that would share this dance, this exchange of divine love, ballet of creative energy, blowing free like the wind.

Whose hand could I take to share my bliss with?

For you see, I was a weary traveler, I rode the less trodden path, and indeed it made all the difference because there is where I found you!

Brightened Bride of promise, welcoming arms of love, “Greater love has no man than this.”

That you love and honor your divine self, therefore you can honor the divine in all things.

With open doors of peace, with boundaries that only freedom can bring…

You are the cool drink on a sweltering day,

The tree shade in summer, and the hearth in the winter.

Refuge full of earthen, artistic soulful mates, raw and unafraid

Force full of God creation, making music on the earth, riding the wave of divine energy

I am

Yes, I was that weary traveler, I rode the less trodden path

And the days in the thickets and the days in the briars were precious

As they were the stepping stones that lead me to YOU! to a winding path,

Round the corner, up the street

In the little white house with stained glass windows.

Together we dance the dance of all creation

And I… I am no longer the weary traveler, I have come home.

All is well. And so it is.

– Cheryl Midgétt-Gwin

Cheryl a Waldorf inspired teacher and the owner/director of The North Wood Child Enrichment Center. She is passionate about people and the world around her. Cheryl especially loves inspiring children, and loves seeing them have a thirst and hunger to learn. She is fascinated with all of humanity, and truly believes that people are the most beautiful creations! Cheryl lives in Florence AL and you can often find her digging in her garden or writing on her front porch.

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