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Hello Beloved

July 3, 2016

Hello Beloved,

I pray that you are moving at a high vibration. I am writing because I have great concerns regarding freedom. I would like to know why, despite the fact that we have expended so much blood, sweat, tears, and energy in the name of freedom; slavery still exist and continues to flourish as a breadwinner. What have we learned from our extensive history of slavery? Did greed, which is not a natural human instinct for some, combined with the manmade concept of hierarchy, like the Chain of Being, win a challenge against humanity? Is this the reason, we go about our daily tasks in unconscious agreement that slavery is the way of life? Have we normalized negative mind patterns and can no longer envision freedom?

Independence Day will be here by the time this letter reaches you. I must admit that, to me, it is not a great anniversary festival. However, I am very happy to receive a paid holiday from my employer. I am happy to eat grilled food, listen to music, watch fireworks, laugh, and enjoy the company of others. The reason for the holiday does not excite nor apply to me.

It is a historical event, which saddens my heart. While occupants of the 13 colonies were fighting a revolutionary struggle to declare their freedom from Britain, they were brutally enslaving my ancestors to build the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln authored and called for the enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862 to go in effect January 1, 1863 to free the slaves to gain an upper hand on the war. Congress did not ratify the 13th Amendment until January 31, 1865 completely, abolishing slavery. Jim Crow then established itself in 1877. Even to this day, we have never received a break in fighting for freedom. Slavery has never been abolished, only modernized. Today, we deal with mass incarceration and police brutality. Poverty is not new and racism has never died. They both have taken on a new face.

We talk about freedom on many levels, but very few believe it is achievable. Today, many nonprofit organizations are raising billions of dollars to bring awareness to something we know has existed for eons. Fighting for freedom has become a recreation and a form of entertainment. We have to do something different. We cannot seek freedom through our government. Enslavement no longer targets a specific race. Everyone is included. Our governmental approach, also made by many ancient civilizations to enslave people as a means to create a wealthy economy, has left all of us in a devastating condition. We must stop the evolution of enslavement it is not a natural human instinct, but an adaptation. Let us replace it with true freedom, not an illusion of freedom.

We need to join in mind together to manifest true freedom. We must visualize freedom and ignore FEAR, (false evidence appearing real,) based ideology. We can be healed from our devastating past and create peaceful living in harmony with all creation now. Science has proven, as a person thinks so it is. The body does as the mind tells it. Let us break the shackles from our minds and embrace true freedom. Let us no longer ignore but step into the awareness that we have the power to choose freedom.

I dream of a time where domination over another person or thing does not exist; a time where all things live in harmony. A world free of war and strengthened in love. A place where there is no national or state laws hindering us from reaching our highest potential. Universal laws imply that we can create any reality we desire. Let us get started by truly letting freedom reign.


LaQuanda Simpson


-LaQuanda Simpson

LaQuanda is a vibrant spirit moving to the rhythms of life. She was born in Selma Alabama! She believes freedom was given to her as a birth right! LaQuanda has traveled around the sun 31 times! She has invested 10 years in growing one seed. His name is Kwami Malik Ingram! Her grandparents would say LaQuanda is a good gardener because she listens! Gardening relaxes her mind and purifies her soul, drumming and dancing too! LaQuanda is a recent graduate of Geography Information Science at the University of North Alabama in Florence Alabama! She is an explorer and she loves adventure! Among friends she is better known as Que!

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