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God Test… America : The Worst of Times Brings Out the Best In Her

A MAGA Mob at The Capitol Gate, sent to stop the VP from certifying States.

They hated black & brown turned red States blue, there’s One Game in town one set of Rules.

Let History mark the time and place, when black & white came face to face.

So much for peaceful transfers of power, one more norm takes a dive off Trump Tower.

It’s hard to see how one well-placed Lie, could brainwash otherwise brilliant minds.

15 sick turned into over 400,000 dead, another lie and broken promise POTUS said.

The race wasn’t close, not by any measure, not one state official gave in to the pressure.

Even during a Pandemic seen once in 100 years, people put their lives on the line to Vote and to Volunteer.

Never were more votes cast for A President, Voters spoke loud and clear, that’s just the way it went.

Every single State reported their election results as true, 7 million more voted for the Incumbent to lose.

Believers on the Right and Left held true to the American Dream, when given a choice to stand fast or go along with this scheme.

We are The People part of Democracy, we elect our leaders by One Vote fair and free.

All Votes were counted and counted again, challenged in court many times with zero White House wins.

Some wanted more of the same but not The Majority, we The People mostly prefer To embrace our diversity.

So why were Congressmen & Women determined to scratch the count, of Voters from counties where largely people of color turned out?

After the storming of The Capitol Members were not deterred, from Voting the opposite of what The People preferred.


The siege at the Capitol’s door, All involved must now answer for, Journalists uncovered The Truth The People are keeping score.

Social media, Fox News and Alternative Facts, Have taken a toll So now this is where we’re at.

Our system held strong though tested, From Poll Workers to Courts of Law, Election Officials threatened From Georgia to Arkansas.

The Governor of Michigan Was to be kidnaped and tried, by radical extremists Who wanted her to die.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

A dishonorable mention goes to Georgia 2018, for making voter suppression a day-to-day Routine.

It was beneath the office of Governor of that State, so, we took The Senate in return let there be no mistake.

There are not two sides to The Truth, so if our leaders don’t believe it, at what point must we admit we’re sleeping with the enemy period?

There aren’t good people on both sides, Right and Wrong cannot combine. If you took an Oath you can’t live up to respectfully Resign!

Children in Cages, Hate Rallies, Big Stages. Building a Wall along The Border in the name of Law and Order.

Big Tax Breaks for the Rich Folks. Claim everything else is a Hoax. People who believe in real Fake News, still to this day don’t have A clue.

Those in power need us to believe the Free kick-ass Press is the enemy. The Majority rejected this Agenda. Our Democracy we won’t Surrender!

Written by Aletha Loraine Metcalf

January 25, 2021

 Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash


Aletha Metcalf Evans

In 2018 I retired from a 38-year career as a Los Angeles Airport Police Officer.  Currently I live in the beautiful city of Inglewood, California where I am honored to serve on the Arts Commission.  I am a poet, lyricist and songwriter.  I love to write and I love music.  I am a God-fearing woman.

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