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Farm Life

Living on a farm, especially during the pandemic, brings perspective. Farm life is seven days a week, no matter what the weather or how you feel – life needs to be taken care of every day. The pandemic has not changed our lifestyle much, but we have been using the time to work through some emotions and gain perspective. It’s time we find balance again, evaluating what life is about, letting go of what does not work, finding true values in our lives.

Farmhouse sanctuary

On the farm, life is going its normal course. The animals do their daily routine and are not worried about anything. Our animals are our pets – no matter what breed – cows, horses, sheep, goats, donkeys, chickens, dogs, or cats – all life matters. Our animals have learned to live with one another, co-exist, which I find amazing. Dogs and cats get along, they leave the chickens alone, horses are used to dogs, sheep, goats, and cats to run amongst them – they are curious about each other, but that’s all. It’s amazing to see that all animals have their own character and personality.

They are curious and respond to being well taken care of. It builds trust between the species. So, love and acceptance is a big piece of life’s puzzle to a peaceful life. We accept our animals for who they are, and that should be of how we humans treat each other. We all come from the same source – we all were created by love ….and yet, here we live a destructive cycle – hurting each other, other beings, the earth itself.

Farmhouse Sanctuary

When I grew up, we lived more down to earth – harvested vegetables, fruit, potatoes, nuts from our garden. The baker baked fresh bread every day – the taste was so different from what you get in stores today. The butcher sold locally resourced meat. I remember grabbing a milk can, walking to the next farmer and getting fresh milk to take home. There wasn’t much garbage either. Now, even if you buy organically in the store, there is so much waste: plastic containers, all goods are packaged. It amazes me to see how much trash goes out every week – just for two people!! No wonder the earth is now feeling like its getting a break from us – air getting cleaner, waters clearing up, animals come out and reclaim the territory we have taken from them.


Farmhouse Sanctuary


There are ways to live consciously – even when there is no pandemic. I hope we learned some valuable lessons during this time and are ready to apply them to our daily lives. Respecting each other, being conscious about our choices in life, reacting with more love and understanding – releasing judgment, anger, hate, and discrimination, feeling connected to each other and our surroundings, showing acts of kindness, care, and support to each other and so much more. We need to care less about the self and more about others. We have a great opportunity to turn the ‘boat’ around and make life beautiful again.

– Ute Bonn Pitts

Ute Bonn Pitts and her husband, Conrad, live on a farm in Alabama. She, a singer/songwriter and he, a lawyer, started the farm with rescued wild mustangs, longhorn cows, sheep, goats, chickens, dogs and cats six years ago. In the near future they are planning to open a B&B on their farm. They travel when time permits to different parts of the world in order to offer their help. Last year they spent a month in Nepal – NepalInMarch. Ute was born and raised in Germany and moved to the States in the early nineties. Conrad was born in Orlando and has been living in Florence, AL for about 35 years.

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