Within her heart the music beats
And drumming in her ears
It dances down her moving arms
Caresses her flying fingers.
It draws the bow and frets the neck
And grips the body tight.
She laughs when all around her say
She feels so much more
She loves the music, gives it life
As she plays it for their souls.
She laughs knowing full well
The music plays her.
-Susan Wylie
Suzana Wylie began writing as soon as she discovered which end of the pencil to lick. Her writing is eclectic, ranging from sonnets to free verse, essays to science fiction, shorts to sagas. She loves exploring the dynamics of male-to-male relationships and while her bent is for the paranormal/supernatural, she enjoys a good cowboy story and mysteries of all sorts. Suzana has no fear of any topic and though she does not care for confrontation, does not shy from controversial topics. Breaking writing rules isn’t out of the question. If the story calls for it, she’ll kill off a main character. While she does believe in happy endings, that doesn’t always mean happily ever after, even in fiction. Suzana is quite surprised to find she lives in the conservative Deep South, and dreams often of snow and liberal communities. She is a vocal advocate for LGBTQ rights.