This young man’s work. This young man from Ghana, Evans Nyarko Badohu, tagged me his every dream until I asked could I share them with you. Gate open, Garden Spices, on Evans Nyarko Badohu. – Victorine

Raconte moi une histoire ” tell me stories” Artist : Evan’S Art visual photography et illustration #diaspoaart #TheAfricanDream #contemporaryartist #artcollector #artist #artgallery #blackandwhitephotography #black #akkaproject #magazine #opencallforart #usa #world #instagood #instagram
Artist Statement
I started to create when I was a child and I think we are born with this.. I am inspired by everyday life, the realities of everyday life I really like to immerse myself in history, old forgotten memories of Africa and Africans tell these stories in the form of poetry songs, drama etc. and I am still in this daily process as an African artist and I hope to go very far in my state of mind .

Evans ‘S
Evan’s Poem: My African Dream
I have a strange dream on Africa His history His identity Its root His quest His memory This dream that plunges us into the past That of dead ancestors And searched a long time ago I have a strange dream which makes me think
To Kwane Nkrumah To Martin Luther King At Rosa Parks or at Malcom X To these forgotten black artists To these African and Afro elites This dreamimg continues In the soul of those who have a love for their land, Africa…
Today we wonder “Where is Africa going!!”
Poeme d’evan’S : Mon rêve africain
J’ai un reve etrange Sur l’afrique Son histoire Son identitè
Tu me vois Comme toi Dans tes reves Dans tes èmotions Dans tes pleurs
Tu me vois Comme toi Quand nos coeurs S’ouvrent et se ferment Et il ne reste plus rien Que le vide Que la vanitè Et ton amour est si profonde Il est comme la mer Et le vent Et on ne peut le saisir Il passe Et disparait

You see me Like you In your dreams In your emotions In your tears
You see me Like you When our hearts open and close And there’s nothing left that the void that the vanity And your love is so deep He is like the sea And the wind And we can’t grasp it He passes And disappears

Title: le pas de l’homme Je vous prèsente mon chef d’ oeuvre d’art ” le pas d’un homme -Collections et morceaux de pagnes africains Artist : Evan’S #diaspoaart #TheAfricanDream #contemporaryartist #artcollector #artist #artgallery #blackandwhitephotography #black #akkaproject #magazine #opencallforart #usa #world #instagood #instagram
#diaspoaart #TheAfricanDream #contemporaryartist #artcollector #artist #artgallery #blackandwhitephotography #black #akkaproject #magazine #opencallforart #usa #world #instagood #instagram

je vous presente mon nouveau oeuvre le “visage de la femme africaine” Artist : Evan’S Canvas design / collage et collections de pagnes africaines… #diaspoaart #TheAfricanDream #contemporaryartist #artcollector #artist #artgallery #blackandwhitephotography #black #akkaproject #magazine #opencallforart #usa #world #instagood #instagram