Artist Statement
I started creating when I was a child, and I think we are born with this. I am inspired by everyday life, the realities of everyday life. I really like to immerse myself in history and old, forgotten memories of Africa. Africans tell these stories in the form of poetry, songs, drama, etc., and I am still in this daily process as an African artist. I hope to go very far in my state of mind.
Dans tes regards
je peux lire l'amour qui prend feu
Et qui te fait vivre
Dans tes regards
je peux lire la douceur qui fait calmer et qui soignent les coeurs blessé
Dans tes regards
je peux lire la vie
cette vie en que tu puises le silence de la nature, la quête et la découverte de soi
Dans tes regards
je me perds quelque fois
Et je vois des choses infinis qui révèle ta personnalité
ton regard est si profound
Evan' S
In your eyes
In your eyes
I can read love on fire
And who makes you live
In your eyes
I can read the gentleness that calms and heals the wounded hearts
In your eyes
I can read life
this life in which you press the silence of nature, the quest and self-discovery
In your eyes
I get lost sometimes
And I see infinite things that reveal your personality
your gaze runs so deep

Love is being what you are
It's about staying authentic
Love is giving a smile
If nothing goes
Love is seeing things differently
If people follow the same trend
Love is accepting others despite these faults; these circumstances
Love is looking into each other's eyes for a long time without saying a word
Love is dreaming and traveling
It's meeting people
And discover the right moment of life
Love ebbs and flows like a river or the sea
It never ends
It doesn't change
It is in the hearts of artists
And simple people...
Evans S.

Artist : Evan’S
Canvas design / collage et collections de pagnes africaines…