2015 was the year of the shadow for me. It was a cut-me-open-and-lay-me- bare kinda’ year where EVERY area of my life was being challenged. When life is that slammed in your face you have to pay attention. The rabbit hole became the black hole and I felt my footing slowly being pulled out from underneath me. It was too much, an overdose of the worse kind and so I stepped back. I stepped back to observe without judgement, to center myself and relax my clenched fists of resistance.
It was at this place that I realized that EVERYONE in my family and our immediate circle was going through some dark of the soul as well. The energy surrounding us was intense and each of us was looking for ways to release it. I felt like everyone I loved was strapped limb to limb and like Brave heart was shouting, FREEDOM! With outraged glances towards the heavens we wrestled, each of us finding peace in our own way.
But what that left me with was responses. Every scenario, every relationship was asking for something different. As hard as I tried to be present and sensitive to each unique situation, I found myself with a lack of clarity on how to move forward.
You might find yourself confronting equally as challenging circumstances, and as we enter 2016 we want to clear our spaces and make room for growth and renewal. So how did I choose to respond to such an earth-shattering year?!? I chose LOVE. I chose to just BE LOVE without worrying who was right, without worrying if I was setting the right boundaries or if lowering my guard was more appropriate. I chose LOVE instead of deciding whether to speak or not speak, to defend or submit, humility or ego. There were too many variables involved. Yet, it was obvious a response was needed. So I would ask myself: “How would LOVE respond, think, act, or speak and that paved the way.
In 2016 let’s choose to be LOVE. When you choose LOVE things slowly begin to change. LOVE allows for freedom, LOVE breaks down barriers between us. LOVE fills the void that mankind has created. LOVE is the win/win! It doesn’t matter who was right, who is blind versus who can see, who was loyal, who betrayed us. When too much change needs to occur all at once, LOVE is our only choice! The answers to what you seek will unfold themselves as we hold our space with loving intention. Even the way we respond on a global level, there is massive change that needs to take place, so many answers need to present themselves for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. What are our choices with so much chaos around us?

We send out LOVE to the world, to our relationships, to ourselves! We even LOVE our shadow side, as it is leading us into the Light. We lay down our sword of opinion and put on the garment of trust in the LOVE that knows what is best for our lives and the lives of those around us. LOVE is the opposite of fear, and by choosing LOVE we turn our backs on that which binds us.
I challenge you to choose LOVE in 2016; to let your moment-by-moment choices write you a beautiful LOVE story in the year ahead. Tap into Spirit and actively experience “Perfect LOVE cast off fear.” When the nucleus of our intention is LOVE, than what was wrong can be mended. What was limited can be limitless!
LOVE is action and movement. It is being proactive from the highest foundation to build upon, anything else will only yield wood, hay and stubble, temporary fixes and patched up old wine skins.
So use the greatest ability you have to approach life’s difficulties, the power of choice, and in your choosing, choose LOVE.
– Cheryl Midgétt-Gwin
Cheryl a Waldorf inspired teacher and the owner/director of The North Wood Child Enrichment Center. She is passionate about people and the world around her. Cheryl especially loves inspiring children, and loves seeing them have a thirst and hunger to learn. She is fascinated with all of humanity, and truly believes that people are the most beautiful creations! Cheryl lives in Florence AL and you can often find her digging in her garden or writing on her front porch.