By Tekla A. Syers
Begin a new story
Don’t wait until tomorrow.
Don’t wait.
Forget the rehash.
Drop the backstory.
No one needs it.
It won’t help you
to move forward.
Context is here.
Context is now.
Begin a new story.
Who are you?
Yesterday, last year,
and a minute ago
are gone.
Leave them in the past.
Their power
lies in holding you
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to do?
Who do you want to be?
How do you want to be?
Begin a new story.
The star is you.
The star in you
longs to shine.
Where will you go
from here?
What’ll be different about you?
How will you feel?
What are you going to do
with your energy?
with your power?
How are you going to invest
your time?
The old story ended
a minute ago.
Leave limitations
with it.
May as well leave explanations,
excuses, and accusations too.
A new page is before you.
Adopt a new mindset.
Forge a new path.
Freshen yourself.
Begin a new story

— Tekla A. Syers resides in Chicago as a student and teacher of metaphysics; smitten grandmother, dabbler in culinary arts; semi-retired fund development and nonprofit management consultant; and a craftswoman. She enjoys music and art in myriad forms and makes time to observe and reflect on why folks and things are as they are.