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Writer's pictureCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

A “little love stor(y)”

I attended my youngest daughters preschool concert this morning. Lady, my youngest, has special needs and she’s in a classroom with other children who have special needs. They are marvelous tiny humans. They are actually, and arguably, better than your average #tinyhumans

Because of their disabilities, they’re well aware of their differences, and due to the nature of life on this planet, they’ve had no other choice than to accept them. This acceptance, however, does not mean they can’t do things, only, that they must be clever enough to find a different way to do everything differently. I love this about them.

It occurred to me as they sang that all those nights I cried and worried what my daughter’s life would be- I never thought of the other parents who were presumably crying at that same moment too. It didn’t occur to me that someday we’d all meet up in a tiny classroom, only miles apart from each other, in this particular time in history. Those crying mothers, they’re my people. We made #life at the same time, had hard doctors visits, sleepless nights, pain in our hearts for the babies we made who are anything but average and particularly special. I should have, during those darker times, recognized that my Lady would never be alone in this life. That the universe would send her others, much like her, and that they will always have each other.

I hold about one hundred infants each year, all with a billion possibilities for this life. Whoever they become, whatever this life has in store for them, I know they’ll be okay- because they’ll find the others. I still have moments of disbelief when it comes to my daughter. Times when I feel like she’s too sweet or too lovely to have to deal with so much life crap so young. But the thing is I underestimated my daughter. She was built for this. She has #cp, and that is HER soul’s journey. She’s going to teach us what it looks like to be born fighting and keep fighting until you don’t see a kid with a disability; you see a legend in the making. Today when she stood up there with her seven classmates, I cried. Not because I felt sorry or sad for them, but because they’re the coolest kids I’ll ever know.

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